Bankruptcy Lawyer in Belvidere, IL

If you’re experiencing financial troubles and feel that there’s no way you can pay off your debt, you may be able to file for bankruptcy. Through bankruptcy, individuals and businesses can have their debts legally forgiven so that they are no longer hounded and chased by debt collectors. If you feel that this may be the best option for you, contact Law Office of Henry Repay to learn your rights.

Serving Belvidere, Illinois and the surrounding areas, Law Office of Henry Repay is a professional, experienced lawyer who will help you determine the best way to manage your financial troubles from a legal standpoint. Filing for bankruptcy includes several options including the most common routes: chapter 7 and chapter 13 bankruptcies. 

While chapter 7 means that you may need to turn over some of your property and your debt is fully forgiven, chapter 13 involves a reorganization of your debt so that you can pay more manageable payments over the course of a few years. In either case, conditions such as your monthly income and assets are taken into account. You’ll need some sound legal advice to help you decide what option will work out best for you.

Law Office of Henry Repay is a personable and knowledgeable lawyer in this area of federal legislation. You’ll maintain personal contact with us throughout your case, so you can rest assured that all of the unique aspects of your situation will be considered carefully. Following an initial consultation, you’ll be given an estimate regarding the fees for the case. Then, Law Office of Henry Repay will work hard to obtain a satisfactory outcome so that you can have a second chance at financial stability.

No longer struggle to make ends meet and chase away collectors – call Law Office of Henry Repay today to discuss your options! You’ll be relieved to know you can get a second chance.

Bankruptcy Lawyer in Belvidere, IL
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